Harley lyrics: booklist
Bennett, J. A. W., and G. V.
Smithers, eds., with a
Glossary by Norman Davis. Early Middle English Verse and Prose. Oxford:
Clarendon, 1966; 2nd edn. 1968.
K. Altenglische Dichtungen des MS. Harl. 2253, mit Grammatik und
Glossar. Berlin, 1878.
Busse, W.G. 'Bishops'
Courts as Cultural Centres: The Case of the Harley Lyrics.' Anglistentag
1995, 285-96.
Brook, G. L.
Harley Lyrics: The Middle English Lyrics of MS. Harley 2253. Old and Middle English
Texts. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1956; 4th edn. 1968.
The standard edition of the lyrics (but does not include the political lyrics). Includes
an extended introduction, notes, and a Glossary.
Carleton, ed.. English Lyrics of the XIIIth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press,
Includes edited texts of some of the ME lyrics of Harley 2253, with substantial
Cox, D. C., and Carter
Revard, A New ME O-and-I Lyric
and its Provenance. Medium Aevum 54 (1985), 33-46.
Useful on contrafacta; includes material on the paired Harley lyrics beginning Lutel
wat any mon.
Joseph A. 'Page Layout and Textual Autonomy in Harley MS 2253 "Lenten
is come with loue to toune."' Medium Aevum 68 (1999), 32-41.
Susanna, ed. Studies in the Harley Manuscript: The Scribes, Contents,
and Social Contexts of British Library MS. Harley 2253. Kalamazoo,
Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, 2000.
Geoffrey of
Vinsauf: The Poetria Nova of Geoffrey of Vinsauf, trans.
Margaret F. Nims. Toronto: Pontifical Institute, 1967.
Douglas. Themes and Images in the Medieval English Religious Lyric.
London: Routledge, 1972.
Richard Firth. 'The Two "Litel wot hit any mon" lyrics in Harley
2253'. Mediaeval Studies 51 (1989), 304-12.
Sister Mary, 'A Note on "A Song of the Five Joys"', Modern
Language Notes, 54 (1940), 249-54.
Ker, N. R.,
introd. Facsimile of British Museum MS. Harley
2253. EETS 255. London: Oxford University Press, 1965.
The introduction includes a list of the contents of the MS, a detailed description, and a
discussion of its date and provenance.
Ceridwen, 'Women and their Poetry in Medieval
Wales', in Women and Literature in Britain 1150-1500, ed. Carol M.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993; 2nd edn. 1996.
R.P., ed. Chaucer: Sources and Backgrounds. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1977.
Reprints a translation of Geoffrey of Vinsauf's rhetorical model for a description of a
woman, pp. 66-8.
Tauno F. A Middle English Syntax. Part 1: Parts of Speech. Memoires
de la Societe Neophilologique de Helsinki 23. Helsinki: Societe
Neophilologique, 1960.
Malcolm. English Cursive Book Hands 1250-1500. Oxford: Clarendon,
Pearsall, Derek. Old
English and Middle English Poetry. The Routledge History of English Poetry, vol. 1.
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977.
Ch. 5, 'Some Fourteenth-Century Books and Writers', includes a fresh and perceptive
discussion of the Harley Lyrics (pp. 120-132).
D. J. Poets at Play: Irony and Parody in the Harley Lyrics. Norman,
Oklahoma, 1985.
Revard, Carter. Richard Hurd and MS
Harley 2253'. Notes and Queries 224 (1970), 199-202.
Identifies Harley 2253 as the work of a scribe working at Ludlow in the 1340s.
Revard, Carter. '"Annote
and Johon", MS. Harley 2253, and The Book of Secrets.' English
Language Notes 1999 (36), 5-18.
Revard, Carter. 'From French "fabliau
manuscripts" and MS Harley 2253 to the Decameron and the Canterbury
Tales.' Medium Aevum 69 (2000), 261-278.
On intertextual relationships within MS 'miscellanies'.
Susan L. The Power of Women: A Topos in Medieval Art and Literature.
Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, 1995.
S. N. 'Suggestions for a Reinterpretation of the 'Notorious' Poem "Annot
and John" in MS Harley 2253.' Anglistentag 1997, 435-50.
Wright, Thomas, ed. The Political Songs of England
from the Reign of John to that of Edward II. Camden Society, 1839.
Includes the ME political poems of Harley 2253.
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